Hall of Agriculture
Offering a space of 980sqm the Hall of Agriculture is a blank canvas. Conveniently located beside a main external bathroom block.
Key Features:
- 980sqm, clear span space
- 49m x 20m
- Large roller/sliding-doors at each end (north & south), plus an additional sliding door on the west side for easy loading access plus 4 pedestrian doors
- Concrete floors
- Water points within building
- Single phase and 3-phase power throughout
Sheep Pavilion
Our largest indoor pavilion in our Sheep Pavilion with a total 2,160sqm. With large roller doors, you can easily drive trucks and large machinery into space. The facility has concrete flooring and is the ideal space for exhibitions, markets, sheep shows and agricultural events. Conveniently located beside an external bathroom block.
Key features:
- 2,160sqm total space with pillars throughout the floor space. Optional divided space.
- Dimensions: 40m x 54m
- 2 large roller/sliding doors for easy loading access plus 5 pedestrian doors
- Concrete floors
- Water points within building
- Single phase and 3-phase power throughout
- Elevated Stage
A fenced 36,250sqm grassed space. With hirable elevated commentary box, arena lights, sand arena, and stables. Perfect for livestock events, markets and car rallies.
Key features:
- 36,250sqm of grassed outdoor space
- Dimensions: North – South 250m. East- West 145m. Perimeter: 700m.
Within the Geelong Showgrounds there are ample hirable grassed areas, many offering power & water outlets. Partial or full showground hire available. Primarily utilised for trade exhibitions, car rallies, festivals, the options at the showgrounds are endless.
The dedicated team at the Geelong Showgrounds is here to ensure your next event is a complete success.
Contact the team on (03) 5221 1707, email info@royalgeelongshow.org.au or contact us using the form below to discuss your event requirements.
Venue Hire Enquiry